Wednesday, March 25, 2009

5x10: "He's Our You"

Is young Ben the Lost equivalent of young Jake from The Dark Tower? Is Sayid the opposite of the Gunslinger? Also, was I the only one who noticed the Numbers broadcast from "Namaste," or am I just the only one making a big deal about it?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

5x9: "Namaste"

Two weeks is not nearly as long as three years, but it's good to be back on the Island. Baby Ethan! Young Ben! And fortunately, no old Jin! And what happened to Daniel?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

5x8: "LaFleur"

If Locke stopped the time jumps, what do the Oceanic 6 have to do, besides marvel at how awesome Sawyer is in this episode? Possibly my new favorite episode of the season.